Welcome to the first edition of our newsletter!
Practice Makes Perfect was formed to provide people with the opportunity to develop communication skills in a friendly informal atmosphere.
Maureen Doyle set up ‘Practice Makes Perfect’ to raise deaf awareness, introduce the Manual Alphabet, and provide easy sign language lessons to help local people and organizations, giving them the chance to learn and practice these basic communication skills.
Christmas with PMP
We had a good attendance of about 30 people at our Christmas Social when we all did “signed singing” of nursery rhymes and Christmas carols. It was good fun, and enjoyed by all.
Certificates for the “manual alphabet” and “I Can Sing A Rainbow” were given to 24 attendees, which included a few children as young as 7.
Helen Zeuger recited her own poetry, and Chantelle signed Helen’s poem. Helen’s poems were very well received by the group.
Deaf Club Carol Service
St Helen’s signing choir made a big impression at Southport Deaf Club’s Carol Service. There were two children in the choir, Matthew, 10, and Keziah, 8 [Maureen’s grand-daughter]. It was wonderful to see such young children being committed to the learning of sign language and being in a choir.
Elim Church Carols by Candlelight
Maureen led the congregation with the signing of “Silent Night”, which has raised awareness to sign language in the Church. Members of ‘Practice Makes Perfect’ and Southport Deaf Club attended the evening. Maureen got a lot of sign language practice as she acted as Communicator for one of the members of the Deaf Club.
Fund-raising matters
Our application to Community Chest was successful, and we received the sum of £500.
A fund-raising event will be held at St Marie’s Church Hall on Tuesday, 24th February, starting at 7pm. This is a social evening with bingo, raffle and a tombola.
A “Bag Pack Day” is being planned at Asda with help from local Girls’ Brigade groups. PMP volunteers needed too for a few hours on a Saturday.
Details of when this will take place will be announced at the weekly classes, and on the website.
Hearing Dogs for the Deaf
Alison Chester is to be congratulated for all her hard work in raising awareness to the need for hearing dogs for deaf people.
Alison is now an after-dinner speaker and is also invited into schools with Dodger, her black poodle, to do demonstrations.
Alison and Dodger are available to visit schools and clubs to talk about the charity Hearing Dogs for Deaf People. Please contact Alison for more details on 01704-228571.
Alison’s latest fund-raising event, a hot pot supper and rock ‘n’ roll evening, was a great success.
Alison has agreed to come and give us a talk and demonstration on 17th May at 6.30pm. She will bring Dodger with her. A collection towards the training of a hearing dog will be made to Alison’s charity on the night. Please do come and join us!
Maureen on Help the Aged Millennium Award
It has made a real difference to me. My dreams have become a reality, and I am so happy to be able to help local people.
Learning Sign Language
The Training Days to introduce sign language into the community have been a great success.
Two Training Days were organised for the Community Voluntary Sector in Netherton. Some of the attendees were from Glaxo, Health Service Providers, and volunteers from friends of the Fire Service. All were successful in achieving a certificate of attendantance, and one for the “Manual Alphabet”.
These Training Days add much-needed funds to our bank account and we have been re-booked for further Training Days at the CVS in Yellowhouse Lane, Southport.
At half-term children from the Formby area will be learning the basics of sign language in a fun way with nursery rhymes and signed singing.
Local college offers BSL courses
King George V College on Scarisbrick New Road, Southport, offers BSL Courses at Levels I & II. Please contact Peter Walker on 01704-530603 for more details.
Maureen wishes to thank all our volunteers over the last year. We could not have managed without you.
Volunteers are needed to support the group in many ways. However little time you have to offer, your help would be appreciated.
It can be taking the register for the classes, photocopying, giving out information, helping newcomers, attending and helping with Training Days. Contact Maureen if you feel you can help in any way at all.